Sperlonga is probably a well-known destination among climbers. After being there, I must say it is a perfect place for a holiday: impressive climbing, beautiful beaches (many naked people, and that's another story) and good food.

I took the plane from Bruxelles and met Ioni and Cristi in Rome Ciampino. We rented a car for four days (70 eur + another 20 eur an extra insurrance) and drove around 90 km till Terracina, where we found accomodation.
The price for four nights for an appartment was 370 euro, but you can probably find something more convenient.
The distance till Sperlonga is around 20 km and on our way there, I've seen many restaurants, hotels, bungalows.
In order to get to the beach called Ultima Spiaggia, you have to descend 280 stairs. The vertical climbing walls are placed directly on the beach, with routes graded between 5a-7b+.
But the impressive Grotta del`Arenauta is somehow hidden. It's 2 minutes away from the sea, directly on the beach, but you can easily pass by without seeing it, unless you know it's there.
Funny thing, one day I was lying on the beach, enjoining the sun, and people kept coming and asking if I know where the grotta is, because they've heard that some climbers are offering a free show.
This grotta really makes you say "wow". Looks like a cave, with big stalactites, holes and strange forms. Every climber's dream. There are around 30 routes in the cave, graded between 6a - 9a; almost all routes are overhanging. Basically, every climber will find something to do here.
The bad part about the climbing is that the routes are quite polished; I guess you can't have it all, can you? Another negative aspect is the amount of garbage found all over the place.

But...the positive things beat these negative aspects. Positive? Impressive grotta, climbing directly on the beach, so a very good option to come here with family/friends that don't climb.
Food is very good and especially if you love sea food, it's the place to be. I cannot think of any similar place in Europe, the main advantage being the location: direct flights from Bucharest (and Bruxelles, ok) to Rome.
It's true, you have to rent a car, but once you get out of the car, you'll reach the grotta in five minutes (you have to descend the above mentioned 280 stairs).
Worth mentioning is the fact that the beach is full of naked people. And yes, I've seen a he and a she and also a he and a he having sex in the middle of the day, with the beach full of people.
We can offer cheap accommodation for Free Climbers who are visiting the Sperlonga / Gaeta area during the Autumn, Winter and Spring Months.
RăspundețiȘtergereFrom 12 euros per person per night (for a group of 5 people)
This is our website http://trecancelle.shapcott-family.com/page13.html
and our page of Facebook